ophthafutur® octa and deca are highly purified through a unique and multistep process. During this ultra-purification process all potential impurities, controlled via H-Value, are removed down to a level of not more than 10 ppm, the limit of quantification, with the limit of 1H-Perfluorooctane being 1 ppm. The in-process controls being very strict during manufacturing and analytics, the final product is purified to the highest extent.
Perfluorocarbon liquids (PFCL) are used for intraoperative unfolding and repositioning/fixation of a detached retina. Furthermore, ophthafutur® octa and deca simplify the removal of luxated lenses and foreign bodies from the vitreous.
ophthafutur® octa and deca are safe, biocompatible, sterile, practically endotoxin-free (0.2 EU/ml) products with a 3 years shelf life.

Ophthafutur® gas (ophthafutur® sf6 - ophthafutur® c2f6 - ophthafutur® c3f8)
The gas in borosilicate glass containers is stored in a non-pressurized state as the container is gas tight and does not allow any exchange with the external environment. The gentle sterilization process allows safe storage of the gas.
SF6, C2F6 and C3F8 are chemically and physiologically inert, colorless, and odorless gases for tamponading retinal detachments after vitrectomy.

Ophthafutur® sil (ophthafutur® sil 1000 - ophthafutur® sil 2000 - ophthafutur® sil 5000)
ophthafutur® silicone oils are made through an FDA approved multi-step ultra-purification process, which is successfully performed since 1998. All impurities are separated by combining extraction, thermal treatment and filtration. In addition to the GC-MS methods, the removal of short-chained compounds is controlled through gel permeation chromatography (SEC).
ophthafutur® sil are safe, biocompatible, sterile, endotoxin-free products with a 3 years shelf life.
Silicone oils are used as ocular endotamponades in cases of severe retinal detachment (such as solid proliferative vitreo-retinopathy, traumatic detachment, giant tears, and other detachments of the retina) which cannot be treated with other forms of therapy.